Hollister Male Urinary Retracted Penis Pouch, with Cut-To-Fit Flextend Skin Barrier, Universal, 250mL Capacity
The Hollister Retracted Penis Pouch has a flextend hydrocolloid skin barrier that is flexible and durable. It is designed to be worn for more than one-day wear time. The retracted penis pouch has an odor-barrier film that controls odor. Improved skin care is achieved by flextend skin barrier that is flexible, durable, anatomically shaped and absorbent.
- Thinner and more flexible.
- Odor is controlled by use of exclusive odor-barrier film that is lightweight, strong and transparent.
- Safely conducts urine through a convenience drain that is easy to open, closes securely and adapts to drainage bags.
- No additional tape needed.
- Convenience drains HCP.
- Dimension: 7.5″ x 4.5”
- Latex-Free.